Buna dimineata!!! din nou la studiu….
Prosperity discovers vice, adversity discovers virtue (Francis Bacon)
Now I am tryin' to break free, In a state of empathy. Find the true and enemy, Eradicate this prison. Placebo - Bright Lights
That woman has nice body, budweiser face so ugly? :))
I will have a niece or nephew this year :D :)
ma gandesc ca nu credeam ca poti sa ajungi la asa nivel ca am trecut pana-n prezent prin viata ca prin carusel
Am prea multe defecte in fatza celor perfecti...... ymsgr:-kill
catre chef(uri) - pendulum intre C7 si C5 >
relax, chil,
black coffee
there's nothing left here to talk about
la serviciu:) <','> <",">
The difference between the right word and almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
Nice choice of music. If that "Black coffee" is on your taste, you might also like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDbrkPVQLvY...